Showing 1 - 10 of 16
Az új EU tagállamok gazdasági folyamatainak szembeötlõ jellegzetessége az egy fõre jutó GDP-ben mutatkozó felzárkózásuk, illetve az ezzel kapcsolatos árszínvonalbeli konvergencia. Amennyiben ez a jövõben is folytatódni fog, akkor az inflációra és árfolyamra vonatkozó...
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The introduction of the paper discusses the different opinions about income inequalities and income distribution. Further the author presents the most important alternative methods for measuring income inequalities. Contrary to the traditional income distribution analysis the underlying data...
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The complementarities of trade advantage and trade competitiveness measures for Hungarian agro-food trade with the European Union are analyzed. The stability and duration of the trade measures over time is investigated by the survival analysis using the nonparametric Kaplan-Meier product limit...
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This paper was commissioned by DG ECFIN from the EU Commission as part of the "EMU@10" project and is published in Hungarian language by the permission of the EU Commission. The original English language version of the paper is available at:...
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A cikkben a szerzõk azt vizsgálják, hogy az EU-hoz 2004 óta csatlakozott tizenkét új tagállam az euróövezethez való csatlakozás szempontjából milyen mértékben felel meg az optimális valutaövezet elmélete (Optimal Currency Area, OCA) által támasztott kritériumoknak. Fõ...
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The current downturn in the American and Western European economies, combined with increasing regulatory pressure on private equity throughout the developed world, made emerging markets an attractive destination for private equity. As part of the emerging markets, Central and Eastern Europe's...
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equivalence scales in Hungary may lead to over-estimation of the relative income position of families with children, especially …
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In Hungary, the health status of working age men is extremely bad in comparison with both the developed market economies and the neighboring transition countries. The study based on data between 1960 and 2004 investigates the health status of population in Hungary and Austria by...
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In this paper we investigate the relationship between productivity growth and firm dynamics using firm-level data between 1992 and 2006. Theories emphasising firm-level heterogeneity show that industry-level productivity may not only increase as a consequence of increasing within-firm...
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