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This paper argues that the Phillips curve relationship is not sufficient to trace back the output gap, because the effect of excess demand is not symmetric across tradeable and non-tradeable sectors. In the non-tradeable sector, excess demand creates excess employment and inflation via the...
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We compare four methodologies to estimate the global distribution of income and find that many methods work well, but the method based on two-parameter distributions is more accurate than other methods. This method is simpler, easier to implement and relies on a more internationally-comparable...
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The European Union's Lisbon strategy goal of tackling poverty was a notable failure, while the Europe 2020 strategy's poverty target is out of reach. Both strategies were based on variants of the 'at risk of poverty' indicator, which has an inappropriate and misleading name. We demonstrate...
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Highlights * Global current account imbalances widened before the 2007/2008 crisis and have narrowed since then. While the post-crisis adjustment of European current account deficits was in line with global developments (though more forceful), European current account surpluses defied global...
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This paper was commissioned by DG ECFIN from the EU Commission as part of the "EMU@10" project and is published in Hungarian language by the permission of the EU Commission. The original English language version of the paper is available at:...
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A cikkben a szerzõk azt vizsgálják, hogy az EU-hoz 2004 óta csatlakozott tizenkét új tagállam az euróövezethez való csatlakozás szempontjából milyen mértékben felel meg az optimális valutaövezet elmélete (Optimal Currency Area, OCA) által támasztott kritériumoknak. Fõ...
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The paper discusses the risks and challenges faced by the new members on the road to the euro and the strategies for and timing of euro adoption. We investigate the real-nominal convergence nexus from the perspective of euro area entry. We argue that the initial level of economic development as...
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Studying all possible pairs of eleven major currencies and eleven portfolios in 1976-2008 we show that, when there is no leverage, carry trade is significantly profitable for most currency pairs and portfolios. Positive returns do not diminish in time providing a strong case against the...
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Az új EU tagállamok gazdasági folyamatainak szembeötlõ jellegzetessége az egy fõre jutó GDP-ben mutatkozó felzárkózásuk, illetve az ezzel kapcsolatos árszínvonalbeli konvergencia. Amennyiben ez a jövõben is folytatódni fog, akkor az inflációra és árfolyamra vonatkozó...
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This paper explores the influence of the economic cycle on labour mobility within the EU, focusing on the likely impact of the present economic crisis. To do so, we use an econometrically calibrated simulation and a case study of Ireland. We find that, in the short run, the crisis is likely to...
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