Showing 1 - 10 of 26
Discusses economic and employment conditions in Turkey and suggests ways of improving them in order to reduce the flow …
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employment opportunities for return migrants in Algeria, Greece, Turkey and Yugoslavia, and impact on economic development …
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This article examines the relationship between "economic freedom" and economic growth. Previous studies have found a positive relationship between economic growth rates and "economic freedom", and used this relationship as a basis for arguing that more liberal economic policies promote...
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The article considers alternative variants of strategy formation: "modernization from above" and an approach based on the interaction of "coalitions of interests". To use the advantages of both approaches, it is suggested that a system of interactive control of growth be designed. It should be...
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This work estimates the impact of Private Credit to the private sector and Liquid Liabilities (as measures of financial development) on economic growth, capital growth and productivity growth for different regions. Estimations are conducted with a panel database of 78 countries and 35 years...
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This paper examines the trajectory of economic development in Botswana between the years 1820 and 1966, when it achieved independence. First, I review the historical trends in the country’s economic and social development indicators. I then proceed to analyze what factors have encouraged or...
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The paper discusses report of The Spellings Commission for Future of Higher Education that was set up to look into the issues facing the higher education system in the U.S., outline the challenges and offer recommendations to tackle the problems. Most importantly, The Spellings Commission Report...
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The aim of the paper is to analyze how corruption contributes to the spread of shadow economy and damages viable economic development of any country. The unfreedoms that are created under the conditions of illegal transactions and corrupt practices considerably limit the opportunities of...
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The paper discusses the major issues connected with the accreditation procedures in higher education system in the U.S. The questions raised are as follows: what are the reliable and credible indicators of quality instruction that could be measured in the process of accreditation of higher...
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