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forecasting of daily and lower frequency volatility and return distributions. Most procedures for modeling and forecasting … ARCH or stochastic volatility models, which often perform poorly at intraday frequencies. Use of realized volatility … variation, we formally develop the links between the conditional covariancematrix and the concept of realized volatility. Next …
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portfolio diversification when the market is most volatile. Our findings are broadly consistent with a latent volatility fact or …We exploit direct model-free measures of daily equity return volatility and correlation obtained from high …, solidify and extend existing characterizations of stock return volatility and correlation. We find that the unconditional …
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It is well known that high-frequency asset returns are fat-tailed relative to the Gaussian distribution tails are typically reduced but not eliminated when returns are standardized by volatilities estimated from popular models such as GARCH. We consider two major dollar exchange rates, and we...
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daily exchange rate volatility and correlation, covering an entire decade. In addition to being model-free, our estimates …-inducing volatility transformation, high contemporaneous correlation across volatilities, high correlation between correlation and …
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This paper develops mew robust inference procedures for analyzing the intraday return volatility patterns that …, Lyons, and Melvin (1998) (ILM) argue that this deregulation resulted in a highly significant shift in the volatility pattern …
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Volatility permeates modern financial theories and decision making processes. As such, accurate measures and good … forecasts of future volatility are critical for the implementation and evaluation of asset pricing theories. In response to this …, a voluminous literature has emerged for modeling the temporal dependencies in financial market volatility at the daily …
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This paper characterizes the volatility in the DM-dollar foreign exchange market using an annual sample of five … announcement effects, and the volatility persistence, or ARCH effects, familiar from lower frequency returns. The different … modeled, constitute an extremely valuable and vastly underutilized resource for better understanding the volatility dynamics …
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Recent empirical evidence suggests that the long-run dependence in financial market volatility is best characterized by … a slowly mean-reverting fractionally integrated process. At the same time, much shorter-lived volatility dependencies …-of-distributions hypothesis interpretation of the latent volatility process in rationalizing this behavior. By interpreting the overall volatility …
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intraday data and nonparametric volatility measures, along with a new jump detection technique and appropriate conditional … alleviate microstructure frictions for realized volatility estimation. Size and power of the procedure are explored through …
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A rapidly growing literature has documented important improvements in financial return volatility measurement and … return volatility. In an application to the DM/$ exchange rate, the S&P500 market index, and the 30-year U.S. Treasury bond … non-jump movements in a simple but sophisticated volatility forecasting model, we find that almost all of the …
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