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This Ex-Post Assessment of Longer-Term Program Engagement for Ghana explains its experience with particular attention to the IMF's role. Progress in structural reform was slow, but Ghana also avoided mistakes made by some countries that introduced reforms without enough public support....
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This paper focuses on the Fourth Review for Burkina Faso under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility program. All quantitative performance criteria were met, notably the targets for the fiscal deficit, revenues, and social expenditure. The authorities reiterated their commitment to reforming...
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The recession is unfolding in line with expectations. Inflation is higher than expected from indirect tax hikes. The key challenges remain restoring fiscal sustainability, safeguarding financial sector stability, and boosting competitiveness—and hence growth and employment. Staff and...
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Despite abundant natural resources and arable land, Guinea-Bissau is ranked at the lowest end of the UN human development index, mainly because of the civil war of 1998–99 and the ensuing prolonged political instability and serious governance deficiencies thereafter. Since mid-2004,...
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This paper discusses key findings of the First Review Under the Policy Support Instrument (PSI) for Cape Verde. The PSI seeks to reduce macroeconomic risks, provides a margin of safety against exogenous shocks, and addresses the prospect of a longer-term decline in highly concessional external...
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This paper evaluates Tajikistan’s 2002 Article IV Consultation and a Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF). Tajikistan’s previous IMF-supported program went off track in mid-2001 largely because of poor progress with structural...
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This 2004 Article IV Consultation highlights that Slovakia’s economic performance has improved since the 2003 Article IV Consultation. Output has expanded strongly, and fiscal and external balances have narrowed substantially in recent years. These developments were assisted by large...
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This paper reviews Ex-Post Assessment of Performance Under IMF-Supported Programs for Guinea-Bissau. More than two-thirds of the population of approximately 1.3 million is living below the poverty line in Guinea-Bissau. The paper describes developments under IMF-supported programs since 1993,...
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This Selected Issues paper on the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) underlies economic development. Since independence, the FSM has been heavily dependent on assistance from the United States. With government expenditure of more than 60 percent of GDP, the private sector remains...
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This paper focuses on Nepal’s First Review of the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) and Request for Waiver of Performance Criteria. The difficult political and security situation notwithstanding, the PRGF-supported program is broadly on track....
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