Showing 21 - 30 of 1,331
The spillovers from the U.S. economy to Canada have been assessed. It uses structural vector autoregressions to analyze the role of financial linkages in real and financial spillovers from the United States to Canada. The implications of Canada’s predictable price level have been...
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The rebound in inflation since mid-2007 is mostly owed to a jump in food prices in Paraguay. The price volatility of fruits and vegetables explains the divergence between headline and core inflation indicators observed in 2007. Following a decline that started in 2006, core inflation has risen...
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The key findings of Suriname’s 2008 Article IV Consultation show that a narrow economic base, terms-of-trade swings, and a weak policy/institutional framework have in the past led to macroeconomic instability. Weak policy and institutional frameworks have contributed to higher economic...
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This staff report for the Republic of Poland’s 2013 Article IV Consultation highlights economic development and policies. The current account in 2012 was primarily financed by EU transfers and foreign direct investment (FDI), notwithstanding a reduction in net FDI inflows. Moderate...
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Switzerland showed impressive growth performance owing to its strong macroeconomic policies and structural reform efforts. Executive Directors emphasized the need to maintain financial stability. They welcomed the well-timed injections of liquidity into the banking system. Directors also...
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This Selected Issues paper describes the monetary transmission mechanism in Sierra Leone. The paper uses a vector autoregression model to explore the links between policy changes by The Bank of Sierra Leone and real variables, such as output and prices. The paper describes Sierra Leone’s...
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The staff report for the 2008 Article IV Consultation of the Syrian Arab Republic on economic developments and policies is discussed. The impact of adverse global and regional developments currently under way on the Syrian economy is expected to be relatively moderate in the short term. The...
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This Article IV Consultation reports that the overall balance of the central government of Paraguay is expected to be in equilibrium, while the central bank intends to withdraw excess liquidity as necessary to limit inflation to no more than 5 percent. Executive Directors commended the...
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This West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) IMF staff report focuses on common policies for member countries. The region continued to experience a strong upswing in 2013, and the immediate outlook is for further vigorous growth and moderate inflation. Delays in implementing reforms, at...
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This staff paper on euro area policy 2013 Article IV Consultation discusses economic development and policies. Severe market stresses have subsided, although private borrowing costs have remained too high in the periphery. In these economies, sovereign borrowing costs have declined from...
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