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Despite its low unemployment rate, the recent shift in the Japanese Beveridge curveindicates increased labor mismatch …
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This paper studies whether labor market mismatch played an important role for labor market dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic. We apply the framework of S¸ahin et al. (2014) to the US and the UK to measure misallocation between job seekers and vacancies across sectors until the third quarter...
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We analyze the differential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the Spanish labor market across population groups, as well as its implications for income inequality. The main finding is that young, less educated, and low skilled workers, as well as women are the most affected by the COVID-19 shock...
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The negative and stable relationship between an economy’s aggregate demand conditions and overall unemployment is well …-documented. We show that there is a large degree of heterogeneity in the cyclical sensitivities of unemployment across worker and … economy groups. First, unemployment is more than twice as sensitive to aggregate demand in advanced as in emerging market and …
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We use the novel anonymized Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) microdata to analyze job finding rates and job separation rates in New Zealand. We find that individual characteristics, including age, gender, ethnicity and education have a significant impact on job finding and separation rates,...
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This paper constructs and estimates a household-level search model to analyze Roma spouses' utility maximization for leisure, home production, and work. The paper aims to explain labor market gender gaps in a marginalized Roma population with low labor market participation rates (males 53...
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increase to 250 euros per month, the simulated unemployment rate increases by 0.4 percentage point in the short term and about … 0.6 percentage point in the long term. The youth unemployment rate (ages 15-24) is anticipated to increase by up to 1 ….1 percentage points in this scenario, a relatively large increase considering the already high levels of unemployment among this …
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