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Global merchandise trade expanded rapidly over the last 6 1/2 decades and its relationship with global income has seen … exports and income. The paper estimates trade and income elasticities using ADL models taking account of structural breaks … and income are in a 'new normal' or only 'back to (an old) normal' after the GTC and GFC …
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and inequality. Our cross-country estimates for trade's impact on real income areconsistently positive and significant … over time. At the same time, we do not find anystatistical evidence that more trade increases aggregate measures of income …
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An empirical finding by Gaspar, Jaramillo and Wingender (2016) shows that once countries cross a tax-to-GDP threshold of around 12¾ percent, real GDP per capita increases sharply and in a sustained manner over the following decade. In this paper, we attempt via four case studies - Spain, China,...
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We revisit Lipset's law, which posits a positive and significant relationship between income and democracy. Using … dynamic and heterogeneous panel data estimation techniques, we find a significant and negative relationship between income and … democracy: higher/lower incomes per capita hinder/trigger democratization. Decomposing overall income per capita into its …
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uncomfortably high in many, particularly non-oil producing countries and middle income oil producers. Non-oil countries adjust …, though procyclical, fiscal policies. Middle-income (but not high-income) oil producing countries would need to adjust … somewhat to bring their policies in line with the permanent oil income benchmark …
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This paper develops and estimates a model of the trade balance of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Credit flows and the fiscal stance are found to play a significant role in determining the trade balance. On this basis the paper discusses the trade-offs between monetary and fiscal policy settings needed...
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analyze the distribution of the subsidies using household survey data and find that the bulk of the subsidies benefit higher-income … protecting the real incomes of lower-income households from the effects of energy price increases …
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This paper assesses the cyclicality and sustainability of fiscal policy in Belize and applies a stochastic simulation model to determine the optimal set of fiscal rules. The empirical analysis shows that fiscal policy in Belize has been significantly procyclical and unsustainable much of the...
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realistic model, populated by sixty-two generations of people. We calibrate our model to an income profile from U.S. data and we …
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A big challenge for the economic development of small island countries is dealing with external shocks. The Pacific Islands are vulnerable to natural disasters, climate change, commodity price changes, and uncertain donor grants. The question that arises is how should small developing countries...
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