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Monetary policy space remains constrained by the lower bound in many countries, limitingthe policy options available to address future deflationary shocks. The existence of cashprevents central banks from cutting interest rates much below zero. In this paper, we considerthe practical feasibility...
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This paper studies the impact of product and labor market reforms when the economy facesmajor slack and a binding constraint on monetary policy easing. such as the zero lowerbound. To this end, we build a two-country model with endogenous producer entry, labormarket frictions, and nominal...
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More than two years ago the European Central Bank (ECB) adopted a negative interest rate policy (NIRP) to achieve its price stability objective. Negative interest rates have so far supported easier financial conditions and contributed to a modest expansion in credit, demonstrating that the zero...
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Based on the experience of the Bank of Albania, the paper proposes a framework toestimate the interest rate lower bound in small, open, and euroized economies. The paperintroduces a stylized monitoring tool to assess the unintended consequences of low policyrates. The paper is the first attempt...
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In this paper, we provide compelling evidence that cyclical factors account for the bulk of thepost-2007 decline in the U.S. labor force participation rate. We then proceed to formulate astylized New Keynesian model in which labor force participation is essentially acyclical during“normal...
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We provide a theory of the limits to monetary policy independence in open economies arising from the interaction between capital flows and domestic collateral constraints. The key feature of our theory is the existence of an 'Expansionary Lower Bound' (ELB), defined as an interest rate threshold...
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The paper models an adjustable peg exchange rate arrangement as a policy rule with an escape clause under which the timing and magnitudes of realignments are the outcomes of policy optimization decisions. Under the assumptions that market participants are rational, risk averse, and fully...
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How do policy communications on future f iscal targets af fect market expectations and beliefs about the future conduct of f iscal policy? In this paper, we develop indicators of f iscal credibility that quantify the degree to which policy announcements anchor expectations, based on the...
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This paper estimates a standard Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model that includes a wage and price Phillip's curves with different expectation formation processes for Brazil and the USA. Other than the standard rational expectation process, we also use a limited rationality...
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We study the transmission of changes in the believed location of the lower bound to long-term interest rates since the introduction of negative interest rate policies. The expectations hypothesis of the term structure combined with a lower bound on policy rates suggests that normal policy...
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