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empirical finding when estimated with different expectation formation processes. When inflation becomes de-anchored and … expectations drift, we can observe high inflation even with a mildly positive output gap in response to cost-push shocks. The … normal times to predict the cost of reining in inflation. Our optimal policy exercises prescribe early monetary policy …
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-kinked demand schedule for goods produced by firms. Our model can jointly account for the modest decline in inflation during the … Great Recession and the surge in inflation during the Post-Covid period. Because our model implies a stronger transmission … of shocks when inflation is high, it generates conditional heteroskedasticity in inflation and inflation risk. Hence, our …
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Empirical tests of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve have provided results often inconsistent with microeconomic evidence. To overcome the pitfalls of standard estimations on aggregate data, a Full Information Partial Equilibrium approach is developed to exploit sectoral level data. A model...
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separate inclusion of a labor market in the model helps to anchor inflation even in a situation of adaptive expectations, a … positive output gap and inflation above target. The estimation results show that the adaptive learning model does a better job … prescribe early monetary policy tightening in the context of positive output gaps and inflation far above the central bank …
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We estimate the dynamic effects of changes in retail energy prices on inflation using a novel monthly database …, covering 110 countries over 2000:M1 to 2016:M6. We find that (i) inflation responds positively to retail energy price shocks … response of inflation to these shocks owing to differences in factors related to labor market flexibility, energy intensity …
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Inflation and unemployment rate were largely disconnected between 2000 and 2019 in advanced economies. We decompose … core inflation into two parts based on the cyclical sensitivity of CPI components and document several salient facts: (i … inflation and unemployment rate. The approach has potential to help understand forces shaping price pressures during the …
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This paper investigates the response of consumer price inflation to changes in domestic fuel prices, looking at the … findings stand out. First, the response of inflation to gasoline price shocks is smaller, but more persistent and broad … retail fuel prices to estimate the pass-through to inflation significantly underestimate it. Third, while the purchasing …
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Standard New Keynesian (NK) models feature an optimal inflation target well below two percent, limited welfare losses …-run Phillips curve between inflation and unemployment and a trade-off between price distortions and output hysteresis that change … the welfare-maximizing inflation level. For a plausible set of parameters, the optimal inflation target is in excess of …
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inflation over the business cycle in a sample of fifteen Caribbean countries. In most countries, the evidence indicates the … that are exacerbated by pro-cyclical policy stance, tends to create an upward bias on inflation and a downward bias on real …
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Against the backdrop of an ongoing review of the inflation-targeting framework, this paper examines the real …-time inflation forecasts of the Bank of Canada with the aim of identifying potential areas for improvement. Not surprisingly, the … results show that errors in forecasting non-core inflation (commodity prices etc.) are found to be the largest contributors to …
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