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We augment a linearized dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with a tractable endogenous risk mechanism, to support the joint analysis of monetary and macroprudential policy. This state dependent conditional heteroskedasticity mechanism specifies the conditional variances of...
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Deutschlands im Euroraum findet die deutsche Konjunktur implizit starke Berücksichtigung in der Geldpolitik der EZB. Die Schocks in … Deutschland. Bei Zugrundelegung von Daten für das gesamte Eurowährungsgebiet wird zunächst gezeigt, dass sich das Verhalten der … die Übertragung der Geldpolitik auf die EZB Anpassungslasten auf die nationale Fiskal- und Tarifpolitik. Insgesamt sind …
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We explore two issues triggered by the crisis. First, in most advanced countries, output remains far below the pre-recession trend, suggesting hysteresis. Second, while inflation has decreased, it has decreased less than anticipated, suggesting a breakdown of the relation between inflation and...
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This paper examines credit origins of the business cycle in the former Czechoslovakia. Industrial production is found to be cointegrated with various measures of bank credit during 1976-90 and it is shown that noninvestment credits are Granger-causing industrial production and that a feedback...
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This paper surveys some of the principal monetary policy issues facing countries of the former U.S.S.R. The emphasis is on the immediate problem of imposing financial discipline in these economies, to bring down inflation quickly and decisively. Possible options for the essential nominal anchor...
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This paper estimates the neutral interest rate in the Kyrgyz Republic using a range of methodologies. Results indicate that the real neutral rate is about 4 percent based on an average of models and 3.7 percent based on a Quarterly Projection Model. This is higher than in many emerging markets...
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Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) ist ein keynesianischer Ansatz, der Geld in den Mittelpunkt der Analyse stellt und die Rolle des Staates in einer geldvermittelten Marktwirtschaft herausarbeitet, in der Vollbeschäftigung weder den Normalfall noch ein Gravitationszentrum darstellt. In der...
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