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The negative and stable relationship between an economy's aggregate demand conditions and overall unemployment is well …-documented. We show that there is a large degree of heterogeneity in the cyclical sensitivities of unemployment across worker and … economy groups. First, unemployment is more than twice as sensitive to aggregate demand in advanced as in emerging market and …
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Raising South Africa's low employment rate to levels seen in emerging market or advanced economy peers could raise GDP per capita by 50 to 60 percent and reduce income inequality dramatically in the long term. By putting further strain on an already fragile labor market, Covid-19 has raised the...
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In recent years, unemployment rates in some ECCU countries have been among the highest globally. This paper evaluates … significantly associated with high structural unemployment, while the global crisis added a cyclical component. Our analysis also … unemployment is related to the phase out of EU preferences on bananas/sugar exports or to a skills mismatch. As expected …
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unemployment on inflation, for given expected inflation, decreased until the early 1990s, but has remained roughly stable since …
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While unemployment rates in Europe declined after the global financial crisis until 2018/19, the incidence of long …-term unemployment, the share of people who have been unemployed for more than one year to the total unemployed, remained high. Moreover …, the COVID-19 pandemic could aggravate the long-term unemployment. This paper explores factors associated with long …
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This paper proposes a hidden state Markov model (HMM) that incorporates workers' unobserved labor market attachment into the analysis of labor market dynamics. Unlike previous literature, which typically assumes that a worker's observed labor force status follows a first-order Markov process,...
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Labor earnings are the dominant income source for most individuals. Thus, an inclusive labor market is key for ensuring inclusive growth. In this paper we propose four principles that an inclusive labor market will embody: access, fairness, protection and voice. While measuring inclusivity...
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of these estimates is the measure of labor market slack. The traditional measure of unemployment in Korea yields an … rather than registering as unemployed. This paper discusses a way in which the measure of unemployment can be broadened to …
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We study the role of uncertainty shocks in explaining unemployment dynamics, separating out the role of aggregate and … measure aggregate and sectoral uncertainty and compare their effects on the unemployment rate in a standard macroeconomic … vector autoregressive (VAR) model. We find that aggregate uncertainty leads to an immediate increase in unemployment, with …
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The paper uses a large survey (GSOEP) to analyze the labor market performance of immigrants in Germany. It finds that new immigrant workers earn on average 20 percent less than native workers with otherwise identical characteristics. The gap is smaller for immigrants from advanced countries,...
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