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countries less accurate than a naive forecast given by the average growth rate in the recent past. The analysis suggests that a …
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Are IMF growth forecasts systematically optimistic? And if so, what is the role of planned policy adjustments on this outcome? Are program forecasts as biased as surveillance forecasts? We try to answer these questions using a comprehensive database on IMF forecasts of economic growth in...
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analysis, including for debt sustainability assessments, and points to statistical methods to improve forecast accuracy by …
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We develop a framework to nowcast (and forecast) economic variables with machine learning techniques. We explain how … models to predict real output growth with lower forecast errors than traditional models. By combining multiple machine … learning models into ensembles, we lower forecast errors even further. We also identify measures of variable importance to help …
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-recession years are revised slowly; in recession years, the pace of revision picks up but not sufficiently to avoid large forecast …
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documents of the following years to understand the evolution of fiscal forecast errors. Our findings suggest that: (i) for most … terms of drivers, we show that forecast errors for the fiscal balance-to-GDP ratio are positively correlated with GDP growth … and terms of trade changes and negatively with GDP deflator surprises; (iv) forecast errors for public debt-to-GDP ratios …
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This paper investigates the performance of the IMF WEO growth forecast revisions across different horizons and country … negative; (ii) on average, growth revisions are in the right direction, becoming progressively more responsive to the forecast … revisions in all country groups; (iv) WEO and Consensus Forecast growth revisions are highly correlated; (v) fall-to-spring WEO …
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Financial crises pose unique challenges for forecast accuracy. Using the IMF's Monitoring of Fund Arrangement (MONA … informational value as they consistently outperform naive forecast approaches. However, we also document that there is room for … improvement: two thirds of the key macroeconomic variables that we examine are forecast inefficiently and 6 variables (growth of …
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Motivated by the literature on the capital asset pricing model, we decompose the uncertainty of a typical forecaster into common and idiosyncratic uncertainty. Using individual survey data from the Consensus Forecasts over the period of 1989-2014, we develop monthly measures of macroeconomic...
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several traditional models of investment, we forecast that the U.S. investment in equipment and software will grow by about 10 …
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