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The role of the yen in the International financial system is reconsidered from a comparative (historical) approach …. Compared with the D-Mark in the postwar years, the limited use of the yen results not so much from regulations on capital … arrangement. Seen from the foreign economic relations, it is not possible for Japan to own a key-currency independent from the U …
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This paper examines the role of Japan against that of China in the exchange rate regime in East Asia in light of … generate higher average welfare gains for East Asian countries than currency unions with Japan or the United States. Overall …, Japan does not appear to be a dominant player in forming a currency union in East Asia, and this trend is likely to continue …
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determine the extent to which national currencies across the world belong to a reserve currency bloc. We then use these … BRICS' currencies. The British pound and the Japanese yen blocs appear to play minor roles …
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foreign exchange interventions have, on the whole, had small but persistent effects on the yen-dollar rate. Contrary to … higher probability of success and move the yen-dollar rate by a larger margin than unilateral interventions. A probit model … indicates that both an excessive appreciation and depreciation of the yen provoke interventions, and that interventions occur in …
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The IMF Working Papers series is designed to make IMF staff research available to a wide audience. Almost 300 Working Papers are released each year, covering a wide range of theoretical and analytical topics, including balance of payments, monetary and fiscal issues, global liquidity, and...
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This paper considers the extent to which the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) meets the criteria for a common currency area. NAFTA is compared with the EC, a regional grouping for which initial plans for a monetary union are already in place. Most of the anticipated benefits from a...
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This paper presents the most comprehensive and up-to-date panel data set of invoicing currencies in global trade. It provides data on the shares of exports and imports invoiced in US dollars, euros, and other currencies for more than 100 countries since 1990. The evidence from these data...
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We isolate a U.S. dollar currency premium by comparing corporate bonds issued in the dollar and the euro by firms o utside t he U .S. a nd e uro a rea. We make s everal empirical observations that dissect the perceived advantage of borrowing in the dollar. First, while the dollar dominates...
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In managing their foreign exchange exposure, international investors, including central banks, often compare actual portfolios with hypothetical portfolios that have been calculated using certain assumptions regarding the statistical properties of interest rates and exchange rates. One of these...
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We study the composition of central bank holdings of foreign reserves when the level of currency riskiness is endogenously determined by economic structure and policymaker preferences in reserve issuing countries. Examination of the behavior of official foreign reserves of the industrial and...
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