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A view receiving increased support is that the height of trade costs in prime export sectors has a strong effect on current account balances: countries specializing in sectors that face relatively high trade costs, such as services, tend to run current account deficits, and similarly, countries...
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This paper examines the effects of trade costs on macroeconomic volatility. We first construct a dynamic, two-country general equilibrium model, where the degree of market integration depends directly on trade costs (transport costs, tariffs, etc.). The model is a extension of Obstfeld and...
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We provide the first direct estimates of distribution expenses incurred by manufacturing plants and assess their importance for aggregate output. Using a novel measure from the Indian Annual Survey of Industries, we document three key facts: (1) distribution expenses are large - they amount to...
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Balassa-Samuelson model, namely that (i) productivity differentials determine the domestic relative price of nontradables and …. The evidence indicates that labor productivity differentials do explain long-run, cross-country differences in relative …
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The literature measuring the impact of Preferential Trade Agreements (PTA) and WTO membership on trade flows has produced remarkably diverse results. Rose''s (2004) seminal paper reports a range of specifications that show no WTO effects, but Subramanian and Wei (2007) contend that he does not...
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This paper examines the impact of European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) on trade within the euro area. Using panel data for 22 industrial countries, the analysis estimates the effect of the euro''s arrival on area-wide trade compared to bilateral trade flows between other industrial...
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first extend existing theory to characterize the roles of imperfect competition and product differentiation, then …
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We study the robustness of the Lerner symmetry result in an open economy New Keynesian model with price rigidities. While the Lerner symmetry result of no real effects of a combined import tariff and export subsidy holds up approximately for a number of alternative assumptions, we obtain...
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This paper provides the first assessment of the contribution of idiosyncratic shocks to aggregate fluctuations in an emerging market using confidential data on the universe of Chilean firms. We find that idiosyncratic shocks account for more than 40 percent of the volatility of aggregate sales....
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The Italian economy has been struggling with low productivity growth and bank balance sheet strains. This paper … examines the implications for firm productivity of adverse shocks to bank lending in Italy, using a novel identification scheme …-to-labor ratio, and productivity. The transmission from changes in credit supply to firm productivity relates to labor market …
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