Showing 1 - 10 of 909
Intangible investment is growing as a share of economic activity. We present a simple framework incorporating its … distinguishing characteristic of generally greater scalability and lower marginal costs than tangible investment. We show evidence … that this may have contributed to more elastic aggregate supply in recent years, which is consistent with lower inflation …
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observed effect is a negative inflation-investment correlation that replicates previous empirical findings, due to purely short …The paper presents a model of irreversible investment under uncertainty, where investment takes place whenever a … inflation induces an upward capital stock adjustment. In economies that move in and out of temporary stabilizations, the …
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investment, and fiscal balances, from an empirical perspective. Based on empirical findings-particularly regarding inflation … variables move over time and analyzes how they influence macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, inflation, savings and …
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Since the mid-1970s the annual inflation rate in Africa has averaged more than 15 percent, with many countries … experiencing rates of 20 percent or more. Inflation rates of this magnitude have significant adverse effects on the financial … strongly to monetary expansion as a major cause of inflation in African countries generally. Exchange rate depreciation is also …
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additional investment for enhancing growth. If there are lags in tax collection, an increase in inflation erodes real fiscal … revenue, thereby worsening the current balance while reducing government investment. This impedes capital accumulation as well … as increases the welfare cost of inflation. As such, the optimal rate of monetary expansion, equilibrium capital …
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There is now a substantial theoretical literature arguing that inflation impedes financial deepening. Furthermore, it … has been hypothesized that the relationship is a nonlinear one, in that there is a threshold level of inflation below … which inflation has a positive effect on financial depth, but above which the effect turns negative. Using a large cross …
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Now close to 50 percent of GDP, this paper assesses the appropriateness of China's current investment levels. It finds … that China's capital-to-output ratio is within the range of other emerging markets, but its economic growth rates stand out …, partly due to a surge in investment over the last decade. Moreover, its investment is significantly higher than suggested by …
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