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portfolio theory without recourse to market imperfections. It also demonstrates that “Value-at-Risk” portfolio management rules … optimal to sell many higher-risk assets when a shock to one asset occurs …
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We consider how fear of model misspecification on the part of the planner and/or the households affects welfare gains from optimal macroprudential taxes in an economy with occasionally binding collateral constraints as in Bianchi (2011). On the one hand, there exist welfare gains from...
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The performance of macroeconomic indicators of capital mobility is examined in the context of an intertemporal equilibrium model of a small open economy. Recursive numerical solution methods are used to compute measures of consumption smoothing, savings-investment correlation, and the...
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rate risk in the market (i.e. high volatility). Market impairment or overshoot of exchange rate between two equilibria … could generate high volatility and threaten financial stability due to unhedged exposure to exchange rate risk in the … economy. The rule uses the concept of Value at Risk (VaR) to define FXI triggers. While it provides to the market a hedge …
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Measuring and managing exchange rate risk exposure is important for reducing a firm''s vulnerabilities from major … traditional types of exchange rate risk faced by firms, namely transaction, translation and economic risks, presents the VaR … approach as the currently predominant method of measuring a firm''s exchange rate risk exposure, and examines the main …
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We study a banking model in which banks invest in a riskless asset and compete in both deposit and risky loan markets. The model predicts that as competition increases, both loans and assets increase; however, the effect on the loans-to-assets ratio is ambiguous. Similarly, as competition...
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suggest that idiosyncratic risk is: higher at times of large return outcomes for the asset class as a whole; positively … autocorrelated; and correlated across different asset classes. The implications for risk management are discussed …
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and then asses how they affect an emerging economy whose interest rate is affected by a world risk-free rate and a risk …
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unknown future basket weights optimally forecasted from past exchange rate data? And, second, how is risk—in terms of the …
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International macroeconomic policy coordination is generally considered to be made less likely—and less profitable—by the presence of uncertainty about how the economy works. The present paper provides a counter-example, in which increased uncertainty about portfolio preference of investors...
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