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in imposing standards for risk diversification in the credit portfolio. The issues reviewed for each country are the …
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countries and their subsidiaries overseas during 1995-2004, and studies the extent of diversification gains from their local … of a mean-variance portfolio optimization model. Overall, international diversification gains in banking appear to be … diversification gains could usefully be considered in the second pillar of Basel II as the first pillar is based only on the …
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story that many ignore or claim it cannot be replicated. Using a theory and empirical evidence, we argue that one can learn …
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The paper examines the implications of lower trade barriers for sectoral diversification and macroeconomic stability in … macroeconomic stability. It shows also that diversification, in the form of equal distribution of resources between nonprimary …
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The paper develops a simple three-sector model of a developing country with nominal wage rigidity, in which one sector is thought of as the primary sector and the other two are sectors in which the country can diversify. The paper then analyzes the relationship between the market structure of...
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Investors seek to hedge against interest rate risk by taking long or short positions on bonds of different maturities. We study changes in risk taking behavior in a low interest rate environment by estimating a market stochastic discount factor that is non-linear and therefore consistent with...
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The way central banks manage their foreign reserve assets has evolved over the past decades. One major trend is managing reserves in two or more tranches-liquidity tranche and investment tranche-especially for those with adequate reserves. Incorporating reserve tranching, we have developed in...
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An approach for minimizing risk through diversification of foreign exchange reserves and sovereign borrowings is …
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This paper examines the effects of capital controls on asset prices. A closed-form valuation model by Eun and Janakirimanan (1986) is extended to analyze the impact of three restrictions on international portfolio investment: a percentage quantity constraint on the amount of foreign securities a...
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Portfolio credit risk measurement is greatly affected by data constraints, especially when focusing on loans given to unlisted firms. Standard methodologies adopt convenient, but not necessarily properly specified parametric distributions or simply ignore the effects of macroeconomic shocks on...
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