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"El presente documento está compuesto por cuatro capítulos, excluyendo esta introducción, en donde se cuantifican esas sensibilidades y se estiman las necesidades de recursos tributarios que pueden surgir en consecuencia, para lo cual se utiliza el Modelo de Equilibrio General Computable de...
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"El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un diagnóstico y estimación del tamaño del mercado de las bebidas alcohólicas adulteradas y falsificadas, esto es, conocer mejor su estructura de funcionamiento, la cadena completa de producción, distribución y comercialización, entre otros temas....
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INTRODUCTION. Within the Latin American context Colombia is in a relatively advanced stage in terms of decentralization. According to the IDB (1997), it ranks third in the region after Argentina and Brazil, two countries organized as Federal States. While in 1995 average public expenditure...
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ABSTRACT: This paper presents an overview of recent fiscal history in Colombia, and it projects the future course of fiscal deficits and the debt-to-GDP ratio under several different budgetary scenarios. Our projections, which are based on the macroeconomic and fiscal models developed at the...
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This paper examines the history and economic effects of the BDT in Colombia. Section II reviews the history of the BDT in Colombia. Section III discusses its use throughout Latin America. Section IV examines the effects of Colombia’s BDT on efficiency, equity, and tax administration. Section V...
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This paper analyses these payroll taxes, focusing specially on what is called the "parafiscales". The parafiscales are defined by Artivle 2 of Law 225 (1995) as "mandatory taxes established by law, which affect a certain and unique social or economic group and are used for the benefit of the...
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Las marcadas restricciones constitucionales y legales, provenientes de la Carta Política de 1991, explican en buena medida las serias dificultades que enfrenta Colombia para contener su creciente gasto público, actualmente bordeando el 18% del PIB a nivel del gobierno central. A su vez, su...
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