Showing 1 - 10 of 12
We quantify the emergence of biofuel markets and its impact on U.S. and world agriculturefor the coming decade using the multi-market, multi-commodity international FAPRI (Food andAgricultural Policy Research Institute) model. The model incorporates the trade-offs betweenbiofuel, feed, and food...
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Domestic technical measures such as SPS and TBTs can enhance import demand viainformation disclosure and quality improvement, or hamper foreign export supply via imposingsizeable compliance costs, or both. The traditional gravity equation model estimates the neteffect of these measures on...
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We analyze the trade and welfare impact of quarantine measures imposed by Australiaon imports of pigmeat. In particular, we account for changes to Australia’s pigmeat quarantinepolicy over time including those changes related to the recent resolution of a WTO disputebetween Australia and the...
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This paper provides a systematic welfare-based approach to analyze the impact of non-tariffmeasures (NTMs) on trade and welfare in presence of market imperfections. We focus onstandard-like measures such as technical barriers and sanitary and phytosanitary regulations.The approach overcomes the...
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We extend the existing literature on food taxes targeting obesity. We systematically incorporatethe implicit substitution between added sugars and solid fats into a comprehensive food demandsystem and evaluate the effect of taxes on sugars and fats. The approach conditions how foodand obesity...
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We analyze the long-term impacts of large-scale expansion of biofuels on land-usechange, food supply and prices, and the overall economy in various countries or regions using amulti-country, multi-sector global computable general equilibrium model augmented with an explicitland-use module and...
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In order to reduce obesity and associated costs, policymakers are considering variouspolicies, including taxes, to change consumers’ high-calorie consumption habits. We investigatetwo tax policies aimed at reducing added sweetener consumption. Both a consumption tax onsweet goods and a...
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A meta-analysis explains the variation in estimated trade effects of technical barriersto trade broadly defined, using available estimates from the empirical international tradeliterature, and accounting for data sampling and methodology differences. Agriculture and foodindustries tend to be...
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We derive a method to econometrically estimate the tariff equivalent and foregone trade effectsof a prohibitive technical barrier to trade (TBT) based on Wales and Woodland’s Kuhn-Tuckerapproach to corner solutions in consumer choice. The method overcomes the lack of observeddata on bilateral...
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In the context of U.S. farm policy, this paper analyzes the effect that expectationsabout base acreage and yield updating in future policies have on a farmer’s productiondecisions in the presence of price, yield and policy uncertainty. We consider a riskaverse farmer producing a single crop...
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