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We develop a model where workers, anticipating the possibility of unemployment, invest in connections to access …
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We build an analytically and computationally tractable stochastic equilibrium model of unemployment in heterogeneous … countercyclical unemployment, and is simultaneously consistent with procyclical reallocation, countercyclical separations and a … negatively-sloped Beveridge curve. Moreover, the model exhibits unemployment duration dependence, which (when calibrated to long …
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, sector division, unemployment and welfare. …
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Social interactions have important consequences for labour market outcomes. Yet the growing literature has relied on indirect definitions of networks. We present the first evidence based on direct information on friends' networks. We address issues of correlated effects with instrumental...
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The job search literature suggests that an increase in the proportion of job seekers who are employed reduces the probability of unemployed people finding a job. However, there is little evidence indicating that employed and unemployed job seekers have similar observed characteristics or that...
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We use individual data for Great Britain over the period 1992-2009 to compare the probability that employed and unemployed job seekers find a job, and the quality of the job they find. The job finding rate of unemployed job seekers is 50 percent higher than that of employed job seekers, and this...
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by comparing their individual characteristics and past (un)employment and job histories. Since the BHPS does not directly …
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We use data from the Labour Force Survey to show that employed and unemployed job seekers in Great Britain originate from different occupations and find jobs in different occupations. We find substantial differences in occupational mobility between job seekers: employed job seekers are most...
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