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The share of the U.S. population that receives business income has increased substantially in recent decades. At the same time, worker hire and separation rates declined, with worrying implications for productivity and wage growth. In this paper, we explore the relationship between business...
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-activity rates across Spanish Autonomous Communities. A distinction is made between potential entrepreneurs, nascent entrepreneurship …, new business formation and Established business, as defined within the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). The measure …
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, empresas nacientes, nuevas empresas y empresas establecidas, tal como se definen en el Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM … entrepreneurs, nascent entrepreneurship, new business formation and Established business, as defined within the Global … Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). The measure for postmaterialism is based upon Inglehart’s four-item postmaterialism index. A set of …
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This study uses the findings of a test carried out by correspondence in order to assess separately the potential hiring effects of North African origin and Muslim or Catholic religious affiliation in the French real estate sector. We constructed six jobseeker profiles, each representing a...
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Proposition 209 banned the use of racial preferences in admissions at public colleges in California. We analyze unique data for all applicants and enrollees within the University of California (UC) system before and after Prop 209. After Prop 209, minority graduation rates increased by 4.35...
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Junge Menschen bleiben in Deutschland selten ohne berufsqualifizierenden Abschluss. Konnten im Jahr 2005 noch 16,5 Prozent aller Personen im Alter zwischen 20 und 29 Jahren, die sich nicht mehr in der Ausbildung befanden, keinen beruflichen Abschluss vorzeigen, waren es im Jahr 2011 nur 13,4...
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Obwohl Deutschland in den letzten Jahren eine sehr starke Nettozuwanderung verzeichnet hat, ist auch die Anzahl der Fortzüge von Ausländern deutlich gestiegen. Im Jahr 2017 waren es 708.000. Von diesen hielten sich 30 Prozent bereits länger als drei Jahre im Land auf und sind damit nicht den...
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This paper investigates effects of appearance and religious practice of job applicants on the hiring decision. We asked participants in our laboratory experiment to select fictitious candidates for an interview from a pool of CVs with comparable characteristics but different photos. Some photos...
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I use longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to measure the extent to which an unemployment spell increases the likelihood that a worker receives a cash transfer from family. I examine the prevalence of cash transfers from family, the demographic distribution of...
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Die starke Zuwanderung der letzten Jahre hat zu einer deutlichen Verschiebung der demografischen Strukturen in Deutschland geführt. So wären die Zahl der 20- bis 29-Jährigen ohne die seit 2007 Zugewanderten im Jahr 2017 um 1,26 Millionen und ihr Anteil an der Gesamtbevölkerung um 0,9...
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