Showing 1 - 10 of 49
Recent empirical evidence has found that employment services and small-businessassistance programmes are often successful at getting the unemployed back to work. Oneimportant concern of policy makers is to decide which of these two programmes is moreeffective and for whom...
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Based on a sequence of reforms in the Norwegian unemployment insurance (UI) system, weshow that activity-oriented UI regimes – i.e., regimes with a high likelihood of requiredparticipation in active labor market programs, duration limitations on unconditional UIentitlements, and high sanction...
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In July 2004, the Belgian government intensified monitoring within the UnemploymentInsurance scheme. Workers claiming unemployment benefits for more than 13 months arenotified that past job-search behavior will be monitored 8 months later...
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In a perfect labor market severance payments can have no real effects as they can beundone by a properly designed labor contract (Lazear 1990). We give empirical content tothis proposition by estimating the effects of EPL on entry wages and on the tenure-wageprofile in a quasi-experimental...
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Die Innenministerkonferenz der Länder hat sich für eine grundlegende Reform desGemeindehaushaltsrechts ausgesprochen. Absicht der Reform ist die Abkehr von derverrichtungsorientierten Steuerung der Verwaltung, hin zu einer ergebnisorientiertenSteuerung. Das neue kommunale Haushalts- und...
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Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Möglichkeiten der Bewertung von Kunst- undKulturgegenständen im neuen doppischen Finanzwesen der Kommunen im Kontextzum Zweck der Bilanzierung und schließt mit einem Modellvorschlag zur Ermittlungdes Erhaltungsaufwandes. Die ergebnisorientierte Steuerung und die...
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To assess the impact of tax-benefit policy changes on income distribution over time, wesuggest a methodology based on counterfactual simulations. We start by decomposingchanges in inequality/poverty indices into three contributions: reforms of the tax-benefitstructure (rules, rates, etc.),...
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This paper provides evidence about the effects of dismissals-for-cause requirements, aspecific component of employment protection legislation that has received little attentiondespite its potential relevance. We study a quasi-natural experiment generated by a lawintroduced in Portugal in 1989:...
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We use firm closure data from social security records for Austria 1978-1998 to investigate theeffect of age on employment prospects. We rely on exact matching to compare workersdisplaced due to firm closure with similar non-displaced workers. We then use a differencein-difference strategy to...
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In Portugal duration of benefits is exclusively age determined while replacement rates are toall intents and purposes uniform. We exploit differences in potential maximum duration ofbenefits for nearly matched pairs of individuals who differ in age by one year and in potentialmaximum duration of...
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