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This paper develops a theory of optimal taxation with behavioral agents. We use a general behavioral framework that …
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For an economy with altruistic parents facing productivity shocks, the optimal estate taxation is progressive: fortunate parents should face lower net returns on their inheritances. This progressivity reflects optimal mean reversion in consumption, which ensures that a long-run steady state...
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We develop a theory of optimal estate taxation in a model where bequest inequality is driven by differences in parental …
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expected exchange rate depreciations (appreciations) for high (low) interest rate currencies, suggesting that disaster risk is … priced in currency markets. To study the price of disaster risk, we propose a simple structural model that includes both … Gaussian and disaster risk and can be estimated even in samples that do not contain disasters. Estimating the model over the …
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Real risk-free interest rates have trended down over the past 30 years. Puzzlingly in light of this decline, (1) the … that rising market power, rising unmeasured intangibles, and rising risk premia, play a crucial role, over and above the … traditional culprits of increasing savings supply and technological growth slowdown …
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We explore the consequences of safe asset scarcity on aggregate demand in a stylized IS-LM/Mundell Fleming environment. Acute safe asset scarcity forces the economy into a “safety trap” recession. In the open economy, safe asset scarcity spreads from one country to the other via capital...
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We propose a simple model of the international monetary system. We study the world supply and demand for reserve assets denominated in different currencies under a variety of scenarios: a Hegemon vs. a multipolar world; abundant vs. scarce reserve assets; a gold exchange standard vs. a floating...
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The goal of this paper is to simultaneously unbundle two interacting reduced-form building blocks of traditional macroeconomic models: the representative agent and the aggregate production function. We introduce a broad class of disaggregated general equilibrium models with Heterogeneous Agents...
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and banking insolvency. This paper provides a theory of the feedback loop that allows for both domestic bailouts of the … banking system and sovereign debt forgiveness by international creditors or solidarity by other countries. Our theory has …
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We characterize the response of aggregate output to micro shocks in disaggregated economies with entry, non-constant returns to scale, input-output linkages, and distortions. We decompose output changes into technical and allocative efficiency components, and show that the latter depends on...
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