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Zusammenfassung für Entscheidungsträger -- Integrative Umwelt- und Entwicklungspolitik — Die Vision von Rio -- Armut … Entwicklungspolitik -- Armut bekämpfen und Umwelt schützen: Empfehlungen für eine kohärente Politik -- Armut bekämpfen und Umwelt schützen …
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analysis of debt, development, and poverty …
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and poverty. We find that wealth inequality reduces economic growth, but when we control for the fact that some …, while politically unconnected wealth inequality, income inequality, and initial poverty have no significant effect …A fundamental question in social sciences relates to the effect of wealth inequality on economic growth. Yet, in …
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This book investigates at both the micro- and macroeconomic levels the impact of mobile phones on poverty and …
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Economic Development, Inequality and War shows how economic decline, income inequality, pervasive rent seeking by ruling elites, political authoritarianism, military centrality and competition for mineral exports contribute to war and humanitarian emergencies. Economic regress and political...
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matter as well. They are critical to explaining differences in social development and poverty reduction across countries and … various institutional factors at the national and subnational levels to achieve rapid and sustained poverty reduction. Indeed …, paying attention to these factors will benefit both growth and poverty reduction …
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Introduction and Overview -- Chapter 1 China’s Miracle in Growth and Poverty Reduction -- Chapter 2 Explaining China … poverty, and people want to know why and how it happened. International evidence has made it clear that a global economy based … that economic growth, poverty reduction, equity, and environment and resource sustainability must be integrated into …
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poverty and income inequality have invited increasing volumes of research focusing on the nexus between equity and efficient … into a middle income country (ADB, 2014). This has stimulated the need to understand causes of inequality and poverty for … poverty because they will substantially undermine the economic growth if left unchecked (ADB, 2014). The objective of this …
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health and survival. But equal rates of growth often deliver unequal rates of poverty reduction and absolute deprivation is … in poverty on infant survival. We identify a significant within-state relationship which persists conditional upon state … income, indicating the size of survival gains from redistribution in favour of households below the poverty line. The poverty …
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