Showing 1 - 10 of 107
This paper investigates the interplay between social capital, innovation and per capita income growth in the European … Union. We model and identify innovation as an important mechanism that transforms social capital into higher income levels …. In an empirical investigation of 102 European regions in the period 1990-2002, we show that higher innovation performance …
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To explain the importance of scientific research and technological innovation for industrial countries and in … a historical and theoretical perspective on scientific-technological innovation and its importance for industrial growth …Explains the importance of scientific research and technological innovation for industrial countries and in particular …
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Using newly collected national and sub-national data and historical case studies, this paper argues that differences in innovative capacity, captured by the density of engineers at the dawn of the Second Industrial Revolution, are important to explaining present income differences, and, in...
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capital is positively influenced by the size of the R&D sector, sheds new light on innovation and growth as well as income …
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-collectivism. The model predicts that more individualism leads to more innovation because of the social rewards associated with … innovation in an individualist culture. This cultural effect may offset the negative effects of bad institutions on growth … individualism on growth through innovation. Using genetic data as instruments for culture we provide strong evidence of a causal …
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of industrial policies towards innovation. In line with this trend, the European Union significantly increased its … economic growth. Regional innovation policies display divergent returns according to different institutional conditions and … results show that better performing innovation strategies require the following factors: clear choices of locally congruent …
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A crucial issue in the era of globalisation and internationalization, is whether the relationship between investment and finance is beneficial to growth and development. Received wisdom is that Research and Development is essential not only for maintaining productivity, but also for competing in...
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Schellenberger ist derzeit Manager für Open Innovation bei einem großen deutschen Unternehmen in der Luftfahrtindustrie. Sein …
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Michael John untersucht das ausbalancierte Verhältnis von Vertrauen und Kontrolle zur Sicherstellung von Kooperationserfolg und Kooperationszufriedenheit in interdisziplinären Forschungsverbünden. Er zeigt, dass Vertrauen einen zweifachen Sonderstatus innehat, da es einerseits den positiven...
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University Startups and Spin-Offs teaches university students, researchers, and educators the most effective strategies and tactics for launching their own startups from academic platforms with the backing of school programs, public grants, incubators, seed accelerators, and private partnerships...
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