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Many poverty, safety net, training, and other social programs utilize multiple screening criteria to determine … multidimensional poverty measures (and their components) that address key participant deficits. We apply our methods to a BRAC ultra-poverty … program in Bangladesh, and find that our measures of multidimensional poverty have fallen significantly for participants. This …
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Estimates of the number of people living in extreme poverty, as reported by the World Bank, figure prominently in … international development dialogue and policy. An assumption underpinning these poverty counts is that there are no economies of … of global estimates of extreme poverty to changing this assumption. The analysis rests on nationally representative …
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), analysts and institutions are confronted with the question of whether and how to use them for global poverty estimation. The … world.This paper presents evidence that if the global poverty line is updated with the 2011 PPP data based on the same set … of national poverty lines that define the $1.25 line in 2005 PPPs, and if the 2011 PPP conversion factors are used …
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the international poverty line. In order to preserve the integrity of the goalposts for international targets such as the … Sustainable Development Goals and the World Bank's twin goals, the new poverty line was chosen so as to preserve the definition … designed to preserve real purchasing power in poor countries, the revisions lead to relatively small changes in global poverty …
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Headcount measures of poverty are by far the most common tools for evaluating poverty and gauging progress in global … development goals. The headcount ratio, or the prevalence of poverty, and the headcount, or the number of the poor, both convey … tangible information about poverty. But both ignore the depth of poverty, so they arguably present distorted views of the …
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This paper provides a framework for analyzing constraints that apply specifically to women, which theory suggests may have negative impacts on child outcomes (as well as on women). We classify women's constraints into four dimensions: (i) domestic physcial and psychological abuse, (ii) low...
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We investigate the impact of increases in wheat flour prices on household food security using unique nationally-representative data collected in Afghanistan from 2007 to 2008. We use a new estimator, the Unconditional Quantile Regression (UQR) estimator, based on influence functions to examine...
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Contrary to conventional wisdom, NHANES data indicate that the poor have never had a statistically significant higher prevalence of overweight status at any time in the last 35 years. Despite this empirical evidence, the view that the poor are less healthy in terms of excess accumulation of fat...
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Using nationally-representative household survey data and confidential geo-coded data on violence, we examine the linkages between conflict, food insecurity, and food price shocks in Afghanistan. Spatial mappings of the raw data reveal large variations in levels of food insecurity and conflict...
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