Showing 1 - 10 of 13
We study optimal income taxation in a framework where one's willingness to report his income truthfully is positively correlated with his type. We show that allowing low-productivity types to cheat leads to Pareto-superior outcomes as compared to deterring them, even if audits can be performed...
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effect on labor supply aggravate gender wage differences. By contrast, temporary subsidies to mothers' wages (possibly in the …
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insurers can observe individual risk and when it is positively correlated with wages. Consequently, a Rothschild and Stiglitz …
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This paper studies the design of health insurance with ex post moral hazard, when there is imperfect competition in the market for the medical product. Various scenarios, such as monopoly pricing, price negotiation or horizontal differentiation are considered. The insurance contract specifies...
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A fat and a healthy good provide immediate gratification, and cause health costs or benefits in the long run, which are misperceived. Additionally, the fat good (healthy good) increases (decreases) health care costs by increasing (decreasing) the probability of suffering from a chronic disease...
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This paper studies the political economy of a basic income (BI) versus a means tested welfare scheme. We show in a very simple setting that if society votes on the type of system, its generosity as well as the "severity" of means testing (if any), a BI system could only emerge in the political...
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We study the design of public long-term care (LTC) insurance when the altruism of informal caregivers is uncertain. We consider non-linear policies where the LTC benefit depends on the level of informal care, which is assumed to be observable while children's altruism is not. The traditional...
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wages are equal and when parents' initial wealth levels are not too different. For very large wealth differences the … mechanism must be supplemented by a (mandatory) transfer that brings them back into the relevant range. When wages differ but …
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should be differences in tax treatment between "female" and "male" products. When weights (as well as wages) differ across … case, when the weight of the female spouse increases with wages, the female good tends to be consumed in larger proportion …
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We study the role and design of private and public insurance programs when informal care is uncertain. Children's degree of altruism is randomly distributed over some interval. Social insurance helps parents who receive a low level of care, but it comes at the cost of crowding out informal care....
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