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The enlargement of the European Union provides a unique opportunity to study the impact of the lifting of migration restrictions on the migrant sending countries. With EU enlargement in 2004, 1.2 million workers from Eastern Europe emigrated to the UK and Ireland. I use this emigration wave to...
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Around 9% of the Lithuanian workforce emigrated to Western Europe after the enlargement of the European Union in 2004. I exploit this emigration wave to study the effect of emigration on wages in the sending country. Using household data from Lithuania and work permit and census data from the UK...
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We study how the EU enlargement in 2004 and the Great Recession in the late 2000s have shaped the scale and composition of migration flows from the New Member States to Germany. We demonstrate that immigration increased substantially despite the restrictions on the German labor market, and that...
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two-way relationship between women's employment and fertility in Turkey using a hazard approach with piece-wise constant … exponential modelling, using data from the 2008 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this … employment among women in Turkey, with increasing intensities identified among some groups of women. Our findings also cast light …
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This paper investigates how informality can be defined and measured in the Turkish labor market. Two alternative definitions of informality are used to explore their relevance and implications for the Turkish labor market using descriptive statistics. They are the enterprise definition and the...
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This study investigates the factors that may influence the obesity in Turkey which is a developing country by … quantiles. This implies that females have higher tendency to be obese in Turkey.Our findings also imply that the positive effect …
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This study investigates inequality of opportunity in educational achievements in Turkey over time. For this purpose we … achievement in Turkey. Second, the inequality of opportunity in educational achievement shows a slightly decreasing trend over … time in Turkey. Third, the inequality of opportunity figures based on the mathematics, science and reading achievements …
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This paper investigates the relationship between labor force participation rate and unemployment rate in Turkey a … indicate that there is no long-run relationship between labor force participation and unemployment rates in Turkey. Thus …, unlike in the case of the developed countries the unemployment invariance hypothesis is supported in Turkey …
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This study provides causal effect of education on health behaviors in Turkey which is a middle income developing … study provides a baseline for further research on the various aspects of health behaviors in Turkey …
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This paper aims to provide information on intergenerational educational mobility in Turkey over the last century (at …'s education in Turkey over time unlike the previous studies of one point in time. Given the absence of longitudinal data, we make … implying that intergenerational educational mobility increased significantly for the younger generations of children in Turkey …
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