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This paper develops the theoretical foundations and the testable implications of the variousmechanisms that have been proposed as possible triggers for the demographic transition.Moreover, it examines the empirical validity of each of the theories and their significance forthe understanding of...
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We investigate the impact of exogenous income fluctuations on health using twenty years ofdata from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics using techniques from the literature on theestimation of dynamic panel data models....
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In 1958 Jacob Mincer pioneered an important approach to understand how earnings aredistributed across the population. In the years since Mincer’s seminal work, he as well as hisstudents and colleagues extended the original human capital model, reaching importantconclusions about a whole array...
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State and federal reforms of the 1990s transformed the U.S. cash assistance program forsingle parents and their children. Despite an extensive literature examining these changesand their impacts, there have been few studies that consider the effects of these reformsfrom the perspective of the...
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This paper addresses the question to which extent the complementarity between educationand training can be attributed to differences in observable characteristics, i.e. to individual,job and firm specific characteristics. The novelty of this paper is to analyze previouslyunconsidered...
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The proportion of students who do not graduate from high school is dramatically higheramong the two largest minority groups, Hispanics and African-Americans, compared to non-Hispanic whites...
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This paper examines whether family and community migration experience affect theprobability of high school graduation in Mexico once unobserved heterogeneity is accountedfor. Bivariate random effects dynamic probit models for cluster data are estimated to controlfor the endogeneity of education...
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Many North American college students have trouble satisfying degree requirements in atimely manner. This paper reports on a randomized field experiment involving two strategiesdesigned to improve academic performance among entering full-time undergraduates at alarge Canadian university. One...
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Standard economic models which focus on pecuniary payoffs cannot explain why there arehighly able individuals who choose careers with low pecuniary returns. Therefore, financialincentives are unlikely to be effective in influencing career choices of these individuals.Based on Akerlof and Kranton...
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This paper begins the synthesis of two currently unrelated literatures: the human capitalapproach to health economics and the economics of cognitive and noncognitive skillformation. ...
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