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In this paper we describe an alternative iterative approach for the estimation of linear regression models with high-dimensional fixed-effects such as large employer-employee data sets. This approach is computationally intensive but imposes minimum memory requirements. We also show that the...
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We revisit the problem of estimating the local average treatment effect (LATE) and the local average treatment effect on the treated (LATT) when control variables are available, either to render the instrumental variable (IV) suitably exogenous or to improve precision. Unlike previous...
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We consider nonparametric identification and estimation in a nonseparable model where a continuous regressor of interest is a known, deterministic, but kinked function of an observed assignment variable. This design arises in many institutional settings where a policy variable (such as weekly...
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If the disturbances of a linear regression model are skewed and/or thick-tailed, a maximum likelihood estimator is efficient relative to the customary Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimator. In this paper, we specify a highly flexible Generalized Tukey Lambda (GTL) distribution to model skewed...
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In this paper I demonstrate, both theoretically and empirically, that the interpretation of regression estimates of between-group differences in economic outcomes depends on the relative sizes of subpopulations under study. When the disadvantaged group is small, regression estimates are similar...
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It is standard practice in applied work to rely on linear least squares regression to estimate the effect of a binary variable ("treatment") on some outcome of interest. In this paper I study the interpretation of the regression estimand when treatment effects are in fact heterogeneous.I show...
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Using normalized regression equations, we propose an alternative estimator of industrial gender wage gaps which is identified in the sense that it is invariant to the choice of an unobserved non-discriminatory wage structure, and to the choice of the reference groups of any categorical...
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This paper develops a novel wild bootstrap procedure to construct robust bias-corrected (RBC) valid confidence intervals (CIs) for fuzzy regression discontinuity designs, providing an intuitive complement to existing RBC methods. The CIs generated by this procedure are valid under conditions...
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A growing body of evidence suggests large increases in criminal behavior and mortality coinciding with a young adult's 21st birthday, when alcohol consumption becomes legal. The policy implications from these findings have focused on the need to reduce drinking among young people, potentially by...
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In regression discontinuity design (RD), for a given bandwidth, researchers can estimate standard errors based on different variance formulas obtained under different asymptotic frameworks. In the traditional approach the bandwidth shrinks to zero as sample size increases; alternatively, the...
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