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Using a new survey of firms in New Zealand, we document how exogenous variation in the macroeconomic uncertainty perceived by firms affects their economic decisions. We use randomized information treatments that provide different types of information about the first and/or second moments of...
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This paper uses a gravity model of migration to analyze how income differentials affect the flow of immigrants into U.S. states using annual data from the American Community Survey. We add to existing literature by decomposing income differentials into short- and long-term components and by...
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group were 27.5 percent higher than official rates based on all rotation groups. Rotation group bias worsened over time and …
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test two main hypotheses: (i) whether for items not perfectly observable, individuals suffer of some type of bias in these … beliefs; (ii) whether this bias would disappear for weight and height, when the information is perfectly available. We find a … powerful and ubiquitous bias in perceptions that is "self-centered" in the sense that those at extremes tend to perceive …
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controlled for there is a further pervasive source of bias, namely the co-movement of firm employment and firm wages. In a simple … aggregate or firm level) to firm's employment and wages cause downward bias in OLS regression estimates of RTT. We show that the … long established procedures for dealing with "traditional" RTT bias do not circumvent the additional problem we have …
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evidence is consistent with both the existence of a bias in favor of connected candidates and with academic connections …
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) bias in β^. We add to this literature in two important ways. First, we focus on estimation of the fixed effects proper, as … these have become increasingly important in applied work.Second, we build on a bias-reduction approach originally developed …
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growth bias, has been linked to household financial decision making. We show that exponential growth bias and standard … bias and household finance without adequate controls for financial literacy may generate biased results …
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-cycle bias if the snapshots cannot mimic lifetime outcomes. Using uniquely long series of Swedish income data, we show that … current empirical strategies do not eliminate such bias. We focus on the widely adopted generalized errors-in-variables model … and find that the remaining bias is substantial (20% of the true elasticity from left-side measurement error at the most …
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Journals favor rejection of the null hypothesis. This selection upon tests may distort the behavior of researchers. Using 50,000 tests published between 2005 and 2011 in the AER, JPE, and QJE, we identify a residual in the distribution of tests that cannot be explained by selection. The...
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