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as conventional wisdom - that output volatility and growth are negatively correlated. We reexamine this relationship in … the context of globalization - a term typically used to describe the phenomenon of growing international trade and … basic negative association between growth and volatility has been preserved during the 1990s, both trade and financial …
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business cycle volatility, hinting at a stabilizing effect of public employment, while public wages correlate weakly and … positively with business cycle volatility, hinting at a destabilizing effect of public wages. To explain these relationships, we …
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This paper investigates the impact of macroeconomic shocks on infant mortality in India and investigates likely mechanisms. A recent OECD-dominated literature shows that mortality at most ages is pro-cyclical but similar analyses for poorer countries are scarce, and both income risk and...
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This paper connects two salient economic features: (i) Fiscal shocks have asymmetric effects across business cycle phases (Gechert et al., 2019); (ii) Okun's coefficient is time varying and may be unstable. The intertwined dynamic behavior of fiscal shocks and unemployment-output trade-offs are...
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Since the last recession, it is usually argued that older workers are less affected by the economic downturn because their unemployment rate rose less than the one of prime-age workers. This view is a myth: older workers are more sensitive to the business cycle. We document volatilities of...
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Financial frictions are known to raise the volatility of economies to shocks (e.g. Bernanke andGertler 1989). We follow … this line of research to the labor literature concerned by the volatility of labor market outcomes to productivity shocks … are a good candidate to solve the volatility puzzle and rejoin Pissarides (2009) in arguing that hiring costs must be …
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This paper analyzes the effects of different labor market institutions on inflation and output volatility. The eurozone … could account for volatility differences across member states, but labor market characteristics have remained very diverse … significant negative effect on output volatility, while replacement rates have a positive effect, both of which are in line with …
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to employment. We also examine a number of questions about the impact of globalization that respondents across many …
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analysis in the context of economic globalization and the demand for labor as well as long run international output …
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The innovative approach presented introduces a modified neoclassical growth model which includes a new bias of technological progress in a quasi-endogenous growth model in which part of labor is used in the research & development sector. The combination of a macroeconomic production function and...
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