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By inverting Saez (2002)'s model of optimal income taxation, we characterize the redistributive preferences of the Irish government between 1987 and 2005. The (marginal) social welfare function revealed by this approach is consistently comparable over time and show great stability despite...
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provide a novel decomposition of labor income tax formulas into a redistribution and an insurance component. The latter is … capital tax is non-zero and trades off redistribution and insurance against savings distortions. Our quantitative results … bound on optimal taxes: even for welfare functions that do not value redistribution, marginal tax rates are positive for all …
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This paper develops a simulation model in order to examine the effectiveness of state attempts at redistribution under …-level redistribution are substantial, but state action may still be preferred to a federal policy that is at odds with preferences of a … state pursuing additional redistribution, but not a cost at the national level …
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Using a collective model of consumption, we characterize optimal commodity taxes aimed at targeting specific individuals within the household. The main message is that distortionary indirect taxation can circumvent the agency problem of the household. Essentially, taxation should discourage less...
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In this paper, we study how the tax-and-transfer system reduces the inequality of lifetime income by redistributing … lifetime earnings risk. Based on a dynamic life-cycle model, we find that redistribution through the tax-and -transfer system … offsets around half of the inequality in lifetime earnings that is due to differences in skill endowments. At the same time …
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Increasing inequality and associated egalitarian sentiments have again put redistribution on the political agenda …. Other-regarding preferences may also affect support for redistribution, but knowledge about their distribution in the … national plebiscites, to study the link between other-regarding preferences and support for redistribution in a broad sample of …
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' policy choices by transferring money to them. We observe very high levels of redistribution – even when transfers to …
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preferences for redistribution. Exploiting the plausibly exogenous change in severity of the infection rate at the county level …, we show that, contrary to some theoretical expectations, the worse the crisis, the lower the support for redistribution … of our respondents. We provide further suggestive evidence that this is not driven by a decrease in inequality aversion …
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We build a theoretical model to study whether a minimum wage can be welfare-improving if itis implemented in conjunction with an optimized nonlinear income tax. We consider this issuein a framework where search frictions on the labor market generate unemployment. Workersdiffer in productivity...
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This paper investigates a previously unexplored behavioral response to taxation: whether smokers compensate for higher cigarette taxes by enrolling in food stamps. First, we show theoretically that increases in cigarette taxes can induce food stamp take-up of non-enrolled, eligible smoking...
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