Showing 1 - 10 of 280
A substantial number of young unemployed participate in active labor market programs(ALMP) in Germany each year. While the aims of these programs are clear – a fast reintegrationinto employment or enrollment in further education – a comprehensive analysis oftheir effectiveness has yet to be...
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Die Gründungsförderung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit ist im Rahmen der aktivenArbeitsmarktpolitik im Rechtskreis SGB III nach wie vor eines der bedeutsamstenInstrumente. Zum 1. August 2006 löste der Gründungszuschuss (§ 57 SGB III) seine beidenVorgänger, das Überbrückungsgeld und den...
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Die Beschäftigung älterer Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland hat in den letzten Jahren merklichzugenommen. Die Studie untersucht diese jüngste Verbesserung der ArbeitsmarktsituationÄlterer und analysiert den Beitrag, den die arbeitsmarkt- und sozialpolitischen Reformen derletzten Jahre dabei...
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The EU experience with youth unemployment has changed over recent years with the launchand re-launch of the Lisbon Strategy and the Bologna process. A dramatic shift has takenplace from the 1990s emphasis on labour market flexibility as a tool to abate youth long termunemployment to the more...
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Support schemes for unemployed aiming for self-employment have been recently reformedseveral times. In 2003, the start-up subsidy was added to the existing bridging allowance...
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This paper extends the traditional focus of active labor market policy evaluation from a staticcomparison of participation in a program versus nonparticipation (or participation in anotherprogram) to the evaluation of the effects of program sequences, i.e. multiple participation ortiming of such...
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Die deutsche Arbeitsmarktpolitik ist im Zuge der Hartz-Reformen grundsätzlich neustrukturiert und systematisch …
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We examine employment effects of the COVID-19 crisis in Norway during the initial lockdown, through the subsequent recovery, and after the dust had settled. While we identify large and socially skewed effects of the crisis through its early phases, we find no long-term effects on employees...
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We evaluate a guaranteed job program launched in 2020 in Austria. Our evaluation is based on three approaches, pairwise matched randomization, a pre-registered synthetic control at the municipality level, and a comparison to individuals in control municipalities. This allows us to estimate...
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A great deal of attention has been paid in the literature to estimating the impacts of training programs. Much less attention has been devoted to how training agencies assign participants to training programs, and to how these allocation decisions vary with agency resources, the initial skill...
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