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key insight that emerges is that the interaction between agglomeration economies and comparative advantage involves a … comparative advantage in sectors governed by this force whilst the impact of agglomeration economies is enhanced by trade cost … small economies is not only shaped by the primitives that determine agglomeration economies and comparative advantage but …
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We develop a new methodology to estimate the elasticity of urban costs with respect to city population using French land price data. Our preferred estimate, which handles a number of estimation concerns, stands at 0.041. Our approach also yields a number of intermediate outputs of independent...
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In this paper we study the dynamics of local employment growth in West Germany from 1980 to 2001. Using dynamic panel techniques, we analyse the timing of the impact of diversity and specialisation, as well as of the human capital structure of local industries. Diversity has a positive effect on...
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This paper exploits time and geographic variation in the adoption of Special Economic Zones in India to assess the direct and spillover effects of the program. We combine geocoded firm-level data and geocoded SEZs using a concentric ring approach, thus creating a novel dataset of firms with...
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We ask whether local agglomeration affects how recessions impact on entrepreneurship by comparing the probability of …
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The theory of fiscal and regulatory competition between jurisdictions is more advanced than its empirical testing. This …
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and city population. This paper embeds a "black box" agglomeration economy within a more neoclassical general equilibrium … and wages move in the same direction under neo-classical assumptions, agglomeration economies in production, congestion in … variables, although some of these effects are ambiguous in the production agglomeration model. If natural advantage and housing …
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This paper examines the role of regional aggregation in measuring agglomeration externalities. Using Dutch … agglomeration externalities at a higher spatial scale. We quantify subgroup differentials and find that high-educated workers have … agglomeration externalities twice as high as low-educated workers. We show that workers who lose their job in denser LLMs experience …
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effects on home and job location, on land use, and on agglomeration benefits are hard to pin down. We develop a spatial …
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This paper pursues three aims. First, we provide a review of current theoretical advances which pertain to the relationship between trade, FDI and labor markets. We do so under the following (not mutually exclusive) headings: (1) slicing-up the value added chain and the turn to a task-based...
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