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Using a novel dataset from the 2006 Portuguese Labor Force Survey this paper examinesthe impact of a voluntary reduction in hours of work, before retirement, on the moment of exitfrom the labor force. If, as often suggested, flexibility in hours of work is a useful measure topostpone retirement,...
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We estimate the responses of gross labor earnings with respect to marginal and average netof-tax rates in France over the period 2003-2006. We exploit a series of reforms to theincome-tax and the payroll-tax schedules that affect individuals who earn less than twice theminimum wage. Our estimate...
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Given its significance in practice, piecewise linear taxation has received relatively littleattention in the literature. This paper offers a simple and transparent analysis of its maincharacteristics. We fully characterize optimal tax parameters for the cases in which budgetsets are convex and...
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We investigate the positive and normative consequences of child-labor restrictions foreconomic aggregates and welfare. We argue that even though the laissez-faire outcome maybe inefficient, there are usually better policies to cure these inefficiencies than the impositionof a child-labor ban...
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We analyse how physicians respond to contractual changes and incentives within amultitasking environment. In 1999 the Quebec government (Canada) introduced an optionalmixed compensation system, combining a fixed per diem with a discounted (relative to thetraditional fee-for-service system) fee...
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This paper examines resident foreigners´ interest in German citizenship. The study focuseson the roles played by attitudes towards foreigners, political interest of foreigners,intergenerational conflict between natives and foreigners and among foreigners themselves,and regional differences in...
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A striking feature of labour supply in South Africa is the phenomenal expansion in the labourforce participation of women from 38 percent in 1995 to 46 percent in 2004. Even so, theirparticipation has been persistently lower than that of men whose participation rates were 58percent and 62...
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Does joint taxation disadvantage women? To answer that question, this paper begins byreviewing unitary and bargaining models of intrafamily allocation, and then discusses thedeterminants of "bargaining power" in a world without taxes...
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The UK´s Equal Opportunities Commission has recently drawn attention to the hidden braindrain when women working part-time are employed in occupations below those for whichthey are qualified. These inferences were based on self-reporting...
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Two particular features of the position of women in the British labour market are theextensive role of part-time work and the large part-time pay penalty. Part-time work featuresmost prominently when women are in their 30s, the peak childcare years and, particularly formore educated women, a...
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