Showing 1 - 10 of 571
-representation suggest. Focusing on a panel of leading economists we find that men are more willing than women to express an opinion and are …
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Cultural diversity – in various forms – has in recent years turned into a prominent and relevant research and policy issue. There is an avalanche of studies across many disciplines that measure and analyse cultural diversity and its impacts. Based on different perspectives and features of...
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We study the effects of patriotism on tax compliance. In particular, we assume that individuals feel a (random draw of) warm glow from honestly paying their taxes. A higher expected warm glow reduces the government's optimal audit probability and yields higher tax compliance. Second, individuals...
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We aim to investigate if men receive preferential treatment in promotions using the Italian system for the access to … a sort of social norm establishing that men are given priority over women when the number of positions is limited …
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We analyse the dynamics of employment assimilation of first-generation immigrant men in Sweden using a high …
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This paper provides quasi-experimental evidence on the impact of paid leave legislation on fathers' leave-taking, as well as on the division of leave between mothers and fathers in dual-earner households. Using difference-in-difference and difference-in-difference-in-difference designs, we study...
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This paper contributes to the analysis of the integration of immigrants in the Canadian labour market by focusing in two relatively new dimensions. We combine the large samples of the restricted version of the Canadian Census (1991-2006) with both a new measure of linguistic proximity of the...
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We study the impact on criminal activity from a large scale Swedish reform of vocational upper secondary education, extending programs from two to three years and adding more general theoretical content. The reform directly concerns age groups where criminal activity is high and students who are...
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In this paper, we estimate the returns on schooling for young men and women in Turkey using the exogenous and … among 18- to 26-year-olds, the return from an extra year of schooling is almost zero for men and 3.8 percent for women. The … alters the schooling distributions of men and women differently, thus the average causal effect we estimate puts a higher …
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A number of studies suggest that mortality rates among East German men increased in the wake of reunification, in …
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