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attach their picture to their résumé. High levels of discrimination were found particularly against the migrant wearing a …
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heterogeneity in levels of disability discrimination against men and women on average across occupations or by occupational gender … discrimination to discrimination against both disabled men and disabled women as well as cases where disability discrimination is …This article examines disability discrimination in the hiring process and explores variation in how the intersection of …
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constraints for blue-collar jobs than white-collar/pink-collar jobs, and that women face greater age discrimination than men … process. Social dialogue has a crucial role to play in shaping inclusive and discrimination free recruitment policies such … for the period 2013-2015 in the UK, suggests that age discrimination persists at alarming levels. It shows that when two …
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on the level of discrimination: This type of recruitment organization results in a 0.29-point decrease in the probability …. However, little is known about how these behaviors can be prevented. In this work, we assess how organization of recruitment … in large companies affects ethnic discrimination. We consider large multi-establishment companies and distinguish two …
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This study assesses hiring discrimination based on disclosed depression. We send out pairs of job applications from …
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Due to conventional gender norms, women are more likely to be in charge of childcare than men. From an employer …, for part-time jobs, married women with older kids, who likely finished their childbearing cycle and have more projectable … childcare chores than women with very young kids, are at a significant advantage vis-avis other groups of women. At the same …
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findings on gender discrimination, and while they have identified a bias against hiring women in some labor market segments …, the discrimination detected in field experiments is less pervasive than that implied by the regression approach …. Experiments have also offered new insights into gender differences in preferences: women appear to gain less from negotiation …
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Relying on a correspondence study conducted in France before the 2015 attacks, this paper compares the callback rates …
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underrepresentation of women in science more salient. Using machine learning methods, we leverage the diversity of role model profiles to …
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We investigate risk aversion as a driver of labour market discrimination against homosexual men. We show that more … hiring discrimination by more risk-averse employers is consistent with taste-based and statistical discrimination. To test …
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