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firm's investment is comparatively more sensitive to cash flow, but this sensitivity is negatively and significantly … related with corporate efficiency. These results point to the fact that high investment sensitivity to cash flow may not be … solely driven by measurement error in investment opportunity, but may still be interpreted as a consequence of imperfect …
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private R&D investment. In this paper, we present a theoretical model that treats government subsidies as a risk …
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In this paper, we present a simple model in which a unionized and non-unionized firm optimally make investment …
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In this paper, we investigate the effect of real estate prices on productive investment. We build a simple theoretical … framework of firms' investment with credit rationing and real estate collateral. We show that real estate prices affect firms … the second channel allows for heterogeneous effects of real estate prices on investment across firms.We test our …
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the United States called Opportunity Zones (OZs). The goal of this provision was to spur private investment in OZs in … the impact of OZs on commercial investment and economic activity. Using data on the universe of all significant commercial … investments in the United States, we find that OZ selection led to practically no increase in investment in OZs. These findings …
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of a price subsidy and of a cash benefit on child welfare are then derived. In particular, it is shown that 'favorable …
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As credit and insurance markets are imperfect, and given that intra-family transfers, and the way a child uses her time outside school hours, are private information, the second-best policy makes school enrollment compulsory, forces overt child labour below its efficient level (if positive), and...
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We refine modelling of the radical innovation decision in this paper by extending real option theory to include non … stochastic shocks imply that investment in radical innovation may very often be too time consuming and/or expensive to remain …
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We study fiscal devaluation in a small-open economy with labor market search frictions. Our analysis shows the key role of both dimensions in shaping the optimal tax scheme. By reducing labor market distortions, the tax reform is welfare-improving. Yet, as it makes imports more expensive, fiscal...
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Sharing is a norm in many societies. We present a theoretical model on the trade-off between sharing and investment … patterns: entrepreneurs following an 'insurance regime' comply with sharing norms, are insured but reduce investment in their … firm, whereas entrepreneurs in the 'growth regime' are not insured but take undistorted investment decisions. The choice of …
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