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We develop a new approach to quantify how patients respond to dynamic incentives in health insurance contracts with a … deductible. Our approach exploits two sources of variation in a differences-in-regression-discontinuities design: deductible … deductible by 100 Euros leads to a reduction in healthcare spending of around 3% on the first days of the year and 6% at the …
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Disability Insurance (DI) may affect workers' outcomes such as their probability to enter DI, to recover, and their … employment. Supplementary insurance may increase these moral hazard effects, but also increases the financial gains of private … increased insurance coverage on workers' outcomes are thus ambiguous. This paper aims to separate worker and insurer responses …
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with effort-determined probability. We show that if insurance against a negative shock is sufficiently incomplete, then … standard functional form restrictions ensure that individual objective functions are optimized by an effort and insurance … combination that is unique and satisfies first- and second-order conditions. Modeling insurance incompleteness in terms of costly …
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The ACA requires insurers to provide cost-sharing reductions (CSRs) to low-income consumers on the marketplaces. We link 2013-2015 All-Payer Claims Data to 2004-2013 administrative hospital discharge data from Utah and exploit policy-driven differences in the value of CSRs that are solely...
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adults in the statutory health insurance. Individuals covered by private health insurance as well as youths have been …
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Using SOEP panel data and difference-in-differences methods, this study is the first to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of four different health care cost containment measures within an integrated framework. The four measures investigated were introduced in Germany in 1997 to reduce moral...
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Despite plausible mechanisms, little research has evaluated potential changes in health behaviors as a result of the Medicaid expansions of the 1980s and 1990s. In this paper, we provide the first national study of the effects of Medicaid on health behaviors for pregnant women, which is a group...
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Unemployment insurance agencies may combat moral hazard by punishing refusals to apply to assigned vacancies. However …
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An instrumental variables (IV) identification strategy that exploits statutory class size caps shows significant achievement gains in smaller classes in Italian primary schools. Gains from small classes are driven mainly by schools in Southern Italy, suggesting a substantial return to class size...
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Education conditional cash transfer programs may increase school attendance in part due to the information they transmit to parents about their child's attendance. This paper presents experimental evidence that the information content of an education conditional cash transfer program, when given...
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