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This paper deals with empirical matching functions. The paper is innovative in several ways. First, unlike in most of the existing literature, matching functions are estimated not only on aggregate, but also on disaggregate levels which is unusual due to the scarcity of appropriate data....
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This paper studies the role of labor market institutions on unemployment and on the cyclical properties of job flows …. We construct an intertemporal general equilibrium model with search unemployment and endogenous job turnover, and examine … the consequences of introducing an unemployment benefit, a firing cost and a downward wage rigidity. The model is able to …
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This paper provides a model of social hysteresis whereby long, deep recessions demotivate workers and thereby lead them to change their work ethic. In switching from a pro-work to an anti-work identity, their incentives to seek and retain work fall and consequently their employment chances fall....
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participation. A model that is calibrated to replicate the variability of unemployment and participation, and the negative … correlation of unemployment and GDP, implies an aggregate labor supply elasticity along the extensive margin of around 0.3 for men …
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evidence of large heterogeneities among demographic groups. Interestingly, unemployment rates in levels across demographic … groups are not necessarily aligned with the sensitivity of these demographic groups’ (un)employment and participation rates …
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. Institutions and other structural factors are also found to be significant and important determinants of the rate of part … markets. Less robust evidence suggests the presence of unemployment traps for some potential part-time workers. Cross …
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unemployment that is in line with this empirical regularity and the findings for the other emerging markets and regional peers. We … European debt crisis. When investigating whether various expenditure components of GDP may cause different unemployment … improve forecasting of unemployment. …
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autocorrelation in regional hires, unemployment and vacancy levels, we examine the patterns of new matches in regions, identify … variation in unemployment rates, combined with little inter-regional migration. We find evidence in favor of labor market …
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This paper considers the issue of unemployment one of the most pressing issues facing the UK and other governments, as … unemployment among the young and other disadvantaged groups, is typical of past experience. The paper reviews past literature on … the causes of unemployment, arguing that the origin of the present difficulties lies with a collapse in demand rather than …
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This paper surveys the existing empirical research that uses search theory to empirically analyze labor supply questions in a structural framework, using data on individual labor market transitions and durations, wages, and individual characteristics. The starting points of the literature are...
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