Showing 1 - 10 of 119
-economic profiling of the migrant households in urban India and explore the dynamics of poverty among interstate as well as intrastate … individuals from migration, in terms of poverty outcomes are analysed. The analysis is based on the 55th round survey data on …
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New studies are increasingly appearing based on historical data across the world that better socio-economic status is associated with taller men and women. This study based on a recent Indian data analyses the variations in height among adult women. [WOrking Paper No. 41]. URL:...
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Multiple Meanings of Money: How Women See Microfinance by Smita Premchander, V. Prameela, M. Chidambaranathan, L. JeyaseelanSage publication, 2009, Pp 264, Rs. 595/-
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done by CPRC in India. There is no map of chronic poverty in India, but have an approximate idea of numbers and communities …
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This is a brief sketch of the Self Employed Women’s Association’s (SEWA) three- decade-long journey from the local to global and informal to formal sector in search of finding work and income for now 720,000 women workers. Though SEWA remains a local and an informal economy...
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The paper reviews the existing evidence on migration-poverty interface in the light of the macro and micro level … studies in India. It also discusses the extent, patterns, and correlates of short term migration with the help a large set of …
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This paper examines two issues associated with the impact of migration on household income and poverty. First, existing … corrected impact is shown to be three to five times larger for income and two to three times larger for poverty than is obtained … from standard analysis. Second, existing studies examine migration's impact on the poverty of the entire sample. However …
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inequality or stagnating poverty in Costa Rica. …
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large as Nedroma. At the same time, they help reduce poverty by nearly 13 percentage points. Remittances have a strong …
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. Yet there is no gap in average disposable income between the two ethnic groups and poverty rates are very similar. This …
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