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This paper develops the theoretical foundations and the testable implications of the various mechanisms that have been proposed as possible triggers for the demographic transition. Moreover, it examines the empirical validity of each of the theories and their significance for the understanding...
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exogenous risk and delegation. That is, we show that only if exogenous risk is sufficiently large, the risk-neutral principal … may prefer to delegate authority over decisions to the risk-averse agent. Intuitively, for incentive reasons, the … principal may optimally want to allow the agent to reduce his risk exposure. Nevertheless, even endogenous risk may be higher …
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We analyze the role of risk-sharing institutions in transitions to modern economies. Transitions requires individual …-level risk-taking in pursuing productivity-enhancing activities including using and developing new knowledge. Individual …-level, idiosyncratic risk implies that distinct risk-sharing institutions - even those providing the same level of insurance - can lead to …
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survey data, we assess six possible explanations for this upsurge in mortality. Most find little support in the data: the … mortality rates. The two factors that do appear to be important are alcohol consumption, especially as it relates to external …
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macroeconomic conditions and fatalities. The main finding is that total mortality and deaths from several common causes increase … a 0.4 percent rise in total mortality and 0.4, 1.1, 1.8, 2.1 and 0.8 percent increases in deaths from cardiovascular …
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A number of studies suggest that mortality rates among East German men increased in the wake of reunification, in … mortality and cause of death statistics based on detailed regional data. The results indicate that there was indeed an increase … in mortality rates which cannot be dismissed as a statistical artefact. Next, the paper discusses various theories …
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that the general adult male mortality crisis in the region had a ?feedback? effect on suicide rates, with the loss of a …
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with mortality. This paper studies the effects of income on health and mortality, using only the part of income variation …
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In 1975, 50 year-old Americans could expect to live slightly longer than their European counterparts. By 2005, American life expectancy at that age has diverged substantially compared to Europe. We find that this growing longevity gap is primarily the symptom of real declines in the health of...
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A recent debate in the medical literature has arisen around the mortality effects of obesity. Whereas it has been … undermines the notion that economic growth comes with health warnings. We revisit this debate going over the mortality effects of …
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