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We investigate the returns to capital and capital accumulation using panel data of Peruvian micro enterprises (MEs). Marginal returns to capital are found to be very high at low levels of capital, but rapidly decreasing at higher levels. The dynamic analyses of capital accumulation in MEs...
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and gender) and its performance (productivity and profitability) for a large representative sample of enterprises from … level surveys performed by the Statistical Offices. Our micro-econometric analysis confirms previous findings of concave age-productivity … the ceteris paribus lower level of productivity in firms with a higher share of female employees does not go hand in hand …
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It is now stylized that, while the impact of ownership on firm productivity is unclear, product market competition can … be expected to have a positive impact on productivity, thereby making entry (or contestability of markets) desirable … factors governing entry rates, especially in the context of developing countries. Using 3-digit industry level data from India …
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The vast majority of firms in developing economies are micro and small enterprises owned by families whose members also provide the labour to the units. Often, they fail to grow in size even with the relaxation of credit constraints. In this paper, we show that frictions in the labour market...
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interactions that increase productivity), possibly reinforced by localised natural advantage. To distinguish between them, we nest … larger cities left-truncates the productivity distribution whereas stronger agglomeration right-shifts and dilates the … cannot explain spatial productivity differences. This result holds across sectors, city size thresholds, establishment …
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efficient were introduced later in India following the macroeconomic crisis in 1991. However, whether the post-1991 growth is an … while there was an increase in the productivity of factor inputs during the 1990s, most of the growth in value added is …
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Analyzing data on all U.S. employers in a cohort of entering firms, we document a highly skewed size distribution, such that the largest 5% account for over half of cohort employment at firm birth and more than two-thirds at firm age 7. Little of the size variation is accounted for by industry...
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Using the approach suggested by Gabaix (Econometrica 2011) this paper demonstrates that idiosyncratic shocks in the largest firms are important for an understanding of aggregate volatility in German manufacturing industries. The implications of this finding for theoretical and empirical research...
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impacts found come from trained firms competing away sales from other businesses versus through productivity improvements, and …
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A worker co-operative is a firm that is owned and managed by those who work in it. This paper provides a selective review of research in economics on worker cooperatives. It concentrates on the volatility of earnings and employment in the co-ops compared with conventional capitalist firms; on...
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