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. First, it argues that consumption should be defined as expenditure on household production as well as on market goods, that … life cycle consumption behaviour are resolved. Secondly, we stress the importance of the heterogeneity of household …
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Private wealth holdings are likely to become an increasingly important determinant in the job exit decision of elderly workers. Net wealth may correlate with worker's characteristics that also determine the exit out of a job. It is therefore important to include a rich set of observed...
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international wage differentials and preferences for origin. We use a model of job search, savings and migration to show that job …
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Empirical analyses of the effects of public and private pensions on household saving impose strong assumptions in order … household wealth is crowded out by pensions? (2) Can linear regression analysis accurately estimate the magnitude of crowdout … results indicate that private pensions in the US crowd out less than $0.15 of household saving per dollar of pension wealth …
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phases that represent the key transitions in the life cycle of a typical household. Our contention is that, given the … policy. Before children arrive, the adult members of the household have high labour supplies and plenty of leisure. The …
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This paper examines how Frisch labor supplies, and other structural components of the intertemporal model of labor supply, can be recovered from estimates obtained with the approach developed by Heckman and MaCurdy.
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This paper develops a life-cycle approach to equilibrium unemployment. Workers only differ respectively to their distance from deterministic retirement. A non age-directed search equilibrium is then typically featured by increasing (decreasing) firing (hiring) rates with age and a hump-shaped...
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Life cycle savings is proposed as one explanation for much of the increase in savings and economic growth in Asia. The … association between the age composition of a nation?s population and its savings rate, observed within 16 Asian countries from … savings is exogenous. Specification tests as well as common sense imply, moreover, that lagged savings is likely to be …
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In this paper, I estimate the fiscal impact of immigrants on the German pension insurance (PI) and unemployment insurance (UI) systems when return migration is an endogenous choice. For this purpose, I develop a dynamic stochastic model of joint return migration and saving decisions that...
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through 2001, we analyse the impact of wealth, savings, and debt position on job exit rates. We find evidence for a positive …
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