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This paper investigates the impact of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs on crime. Making use of a unique dataset … combining detailed school characteristics with time and geo-referenced crime information from the city of São Paulo, Brazil, we … estimate the contemporaneous effect of the Bolsa Família program on crime. We address the endogeneity of CCT coverage by …
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Using a matched insurant-general practitioner panel data set, we estimated the effect of a general health-screening program on individuals' health status and health care cost. To account for selection into treatment, we used regional variations in the intensity of exposure to supply-determined...
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We use a calibrated stochastic life-cycle model of endogenous health spending, asset accumulation and retirement to investigate the causes behind the increase in health spending and life expectancy over the period 1965-2005. We estimate that technological change along with the increase in the...
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This paper uses a local average treatment effect (LATE) framework in an attempt to disentangle the separate effects of criminal and noncriminal gun prevalence on violence rates. We first show that a number of previous studies have failed to properly address the problems of endogeneity, proxy...
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Researchers are often interested in estimating the causal effect of some treatment on individual criminality. For example, two recent relatively prominent papers have attempted to estimate the respective direct effects of marriage and gang participation on individual criminal activity. One...
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This paper shows that while high school dropouts fare far worse on average than otherwise similar high school completers in early adulthood outcomes such as success in the labor market and future criminal activity, there are important differences within this group of dropouts. Notably, those who...
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childhood depression and adult criminality. One novelty in our approach is the estimation of school and sibling fixed effects … adolescents who suffer from depression face a substantially increased probability of engaging in property crime. We find little … evidence that adolescent depression predicts the likelihood of engaging in violent crime or the selling of illicit drugs. Our …
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The public economic burden of shifting trends in population health remains uncertain. Sustained increases in obesity, diabetes, and other diseases could reduce life expectancy - with a concomitant decrease in the public-sector's annuity burden - but these savings may be offset by worsening...
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Simple OLS estimates of the effect of school-imposed penalties for drug use on a student's consumption of marijuana are biased if both are determined by unobservable school or individual attributes. The potential reverse causality is also a challenge to retrieving estimates of the causal...
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program in Indonesia is significantly associated with increases in crime and declines in social capital within communities …
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