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been derived only for particular cases (Abadie and Imbens, 2006). This article establishes a martingale representation for … matching estimators. This representation allows the use of martingale limit theorems to derive the asymptotic distribution of …
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? To answer this question we are confronted from the data with a prevalent non-compliance and exemptions from the minimum …) minimum wages, with potentially imperfect compliance or exemptions; and, (iii) exogenous wage growth on-the-job. We use panel …, in particular, the extent of non-compliance/exemptions to the minimum wage. The model is solved numerically and we use …
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Using Current Population Survey data, we assess whether and to what extent the burden of "wage theft" - wage payments below the statutory minimum wage - falls disproportionately on various demographic groups following minimum wage increases. For most racial and ethnic groups at most ages we find...
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Most workers in the developing world do not receive the benefits they are legally entitled to. Why, then, is there so little public enforcement? This paper argues that this is partly because of a lack of an autonomous and professional bureaucracy. Using a novel dataset with objective measures of...
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rule compliance compared to fair institutions. However, rule enforcement – fair and unfair – reduces norm polarisation … trust. Finally, we find consistent evidence of peer effects: higher levels of peer compliance raise future compliance and …
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This paper provides a comprehensive portrait of the level and compliance to sectoral minimum wages in Italy between … median wage. However, non-compliance rates are not negligible: on average around 10% of workers are paid one fifth less than … the reference minimum wage. Non-compliance is particularly high in the South and in micro and small firms and it affects …
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by country, but also by the variations in compliance. We find that higher Kaitz indices are associated with higher levels … of non-compliance. The release of country-level earnings and employment data at regular intervals lies at the heart of a …
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We study the impact of a COVID-19 relief program on compliance with confinement measures in Italy, the early epicenter … evidence suggests that authorities could leverage targeted relief programs to nudge compliance with emergency measures at a …
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Turning a "blind eye" to non-compliance with minimum wage standards is sometimes presented as a pragmatic way to … model firms' wage and employment decisions, and show that there may be a trade-off between non-compliance and employment … of a positive employment non-compliance effect, though elasticities are smaller than typically thought as employers …
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(extensions longer than expected) relate with a lower willingness to comply. In a context where individual compliance has …
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