Showing 1 - 10 of 652
We study smoking persistence in ten countries using data from the European Community Household Panel. Such persistence … two by using semi-parametric dynamic panel data methods applied to both the decision to smoke or not and to the decision …
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household survey data (mostly panel), including subjective attitudinal questions. Using over one million observations, it …
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In this paper a new method to estimate the equivalence scale elasticity using individual panel data on income … cardinal individual welfare function has to be specified. In addition, panel data enables different scale use by the …
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. We use a panel of large firms with unusually detailed information on the duration of training, the direct costs of …
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20 estimators common in the panel data literature using the data on migration to Germany from 18 source countries in the …
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This paper extends the traditional focus of active labor market policy evaluation from a static comparison of participation in a program versus nonparticipation (or participation in another program) to the evaluation of the effects of program sequences, i.e. multiple participation or timing of...
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This paper presents a convenient shortcut method for implementing the Heckman estimator of the dynamic random effects probit model using standard software. It then compares the three estimators proposed by Heckman, Orme and Wooldridge based on three alternative approximations, first in an...
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Based on a wage curve approach we examine the labor market effects of migration in Germany. The wage curve relies on the assumption that wages respond to a change in the unemployment rate, albeit imperfectly. This allows one to derive the wage and employment effects of migration simultaneously...
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This paper compares various forecasts using panel data with spatial error correlation. The true data generating process … rather than homogeneous panel data models. …
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We analyse the effects of government-sponsored training for the unemployed conducted during East German transition. For the microeconometric analysis, we use a new, large and informative administrative database that allows us to use matching methods to reduce potential selection bias, to study...
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