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correcting for measurement error, wages appear to be very sticky. In the average quarter, the probability that an individual will …
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for the smaller samples of sub-groups of the workforce, the general findings are robust to this measurement issue. Thus …
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Forward-looking behavior on the part of the monetary authority leads least squares estimates to understate the true growth consequences of monetary policy interventions. We present instrumental variables estimates of the impact of interest rates on real output growth for several European...
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This paper presents a new method to correct for measurement error in wage data and applies this method to address an … a cut in nominal wages is substantially overstated in data that is not corrected for measurement error. …
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We show that the choice of the welfare measure has a substantial impact on the degree of welfare-related health inequality. Combining various income and wealth measures with different health measures, we calculate 80 health concentration indices. The influence of the welfare measure is more...
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The wage curve literature consistently finds a negative relationship between regional unemployment rates and regional wages; the most widely accepted theoretical explanations interpret the unemployment rate as a measure of job competition. This paper proposes new ways of measuring job...
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Recently, building on the highly polarizing Stiglitz report, a growing literature suggests that statistical offices and applied researchers explore other aspects of human welfare apart from material well-being, such as job security, crime, health, environmental factors and subjective...
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measure of wages used and the estimation approach applied. Combining information from two different Polish surveys from 2005 … comprehensive analysis of the effects of using different methods and the issue of selection-correction in the estimation of the wage … estimation performs relatively well for men in comparison to our preferred selection corrected estimation, while using family …
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In a growth accounting context one usually constructs a quality adjusted index of labor services by aggregating over predefined groups of workers, using the groups' relative wage bills as weights. In this article we suggest a method based on decomposing individual predicted wages into a...
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Empirical growth regressions typically include mean years of schooling as a proxy for human capital. However, empirical research often finds that the sign and significance of schooling depends on the sample of observations or the specification of the model. We use a nonparametric local-linear...
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